50% Granular humic
50% granular humic is a solid, concentrated and humified organic matter. It improves soils physically, chemically and biologically. It can be applied with solid or liquid fertilizers.
Some of its benefits are:
- Increases the efficiency of nutrient assimilation, providing a fast and effective nutrition.
- High cation chelating power.
- Avoid cracks and root suffocation.
- Transports nutrients from the soil to the roots and foliage.
- Increases the permeability of cell membranes, accelerating the penetration of systemic products
- Stimulates root and general growth of plants.
- Provides greater and better vegetative growth.
- It grants precocity of maturity.
- Extends the accumulation of biomass, granting a higher performance.
- Improves the size, quantity and weight of fruits.
Soil benefits:
- Improves physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
- Retains moisture in the soil.
- Improves the structure, salinity, aeration and porosity of the soil.
- Reduces soil compaction.
- It encourages the microbiological activity of soils.